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South African Securities Lending Association

South African Securities Lending Association

SASLA is an industry forum designed to represent the common interests of the securities lending industry in

South Africa.


SASLA, the South African Securities Lending Association, is an industry forum designed to represent the common interests of the securities lending industry in South Africa. SASLA assists in the orderly, efficient and competitive development of the South African securities lending market. In this regard, SASLA works closely with regulators and has representation on several market committees. SASLA has been instrumental in a number of major market initiatives, including the development of the SA Securities Lending Code of Guidance and the Schedule to the Global Master Securities Lending Agreement (GMSLA). Today, SASLA has over 20 members comprising banks, insurance companies, pension funds, asset managers and service providers.

0 Trillion
Average Lendable Value (ZAR)
0 Billion
Lender-to-Broker on Loan Values (ZAR)

Monthly Market Overview

ZA Monthly Market Overview – 01 Jan 2025 to 31 Jan 2025

Market Asset Type Onshore/Offshore Average Daily
Lendable Value (ZAR)
Average Daily
On Loan Value (ZAR)
Average Util (%) Average Fee (bps)
ZA Equities All 984.7 Billion 101.9 Billion 10.35 34.24
ZA Equities Onshore N/A 62.0 Billion N/A 34.70
ZA Equities Offshore N/A 39.9 Billion N/A 33.55
ZA Fixed Income All 419.5 Billion 40.2 Billion 9.58 15.88
ZA All All 1.40 Trillion 142.1 Billion 10.12 29.05

Upcoming Events & Courses

Upcoming events and courses from the industry


Together we make all the difference

South Africa: finding a place in the global financial arena

Carmella Haswell explores South Africa’s transition from its first securities finance transaction in 1988 to its current status as Africa’s largest securities lending marketDespite the emergence of new pockets of securities lending activity across the


SASLA can offer members a great number of benefits. The enhanced website gives members exclusive information on a large number of issues being undertaken by the Association. Whilst promoting the concept and understanding of securities lending and borrowing to the public at large, SASLA focuses itself on many detailed aspects of the product throughout Southern Africa.

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