Building on the inter-association collaboration that helped create the Global Framework for ESG and Securities Lending (GFESL) in May 2021, SASLA is working with PASLA, CASLA, ISLA and RMA to build a common repository of ESG related resources for market participants.

In October 2021 these five associations founded the Global Alliance of Securities Lending Associations (GASLA), which will focus on global priorities for the securities lending industry, including ESG.


Best Practice Papers

March 2023
GASLA Launches Updated Global Framework for ESG and Securities Lending
November 2021
A best practice paper created by ISLA – supported, endorsed and promoted by GASLA. The paper provides background information on why voting is important in the context of ESG, a summary of relevant global regulation and guidance on best practice options.
May 2021
A framework created by PASLA – supported, endorsed and promoted by GASLA. A schematic of the main elements of securities lending that impact ESG within securities lending, as per an industry wide survey. Each element is reviewed, and market participants are provided with specific actions that can be adopted to ensure that their securities lending programs reflect their individual ESG attitudes. To be updated on an ongoing basis.

Opinion Pieces

April 2022
An RMA paper that tackles the most common misconceptions concerning securities lending and offers some new perspectives.
August 2021
A report from the RMA and State Street that reviews data and existing literature to consider issues that impact the sustainability of securities lending programs.
March 2021
Drafted by ISLA and Allen Overy, a review of why ESG principles are important throughout the investment process and the role of securities lending in the transition to a sustainable economy.
December 2020
A videocast prepared by Linklaters that summarizes the ESG related disclosure requirements required in Japan and their impact on the asset management community.
October 2020
An RMA created opinion piece summarizing results of a survey of institutional investors and their approach to ESG within securities lending.
May 2020
The results of a survey undertaken by PASLA and EY to determine industry participants’ main concerns in relation to ESG.
April 2019
NN Investment Partners, an asset owner, outlines how they feel able to integrate their ESG principles within their lending programme.

Press Articles

July 2021
Article from IFLR outlining Japan’s EPSF’s “Report by the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance”.
December 2020
Article from AsianInvestor summarizing the results of an industry survey of buy side institutions and their concerns of the overlap of ESG and securities lending.