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ISF Masterclass Session 2 : Regulation – what do we need to be thinking about in 2021 and beyond?

What can the South African market learn from Europe’s implementation of SFTR? 

  • What should firms be doing to benefit from the delay of phases 5 and 6 of the Uncleared Margin Rules?
  • What does the market want to see from the FSCA and how can the regulator be more proactive in bringing more transparency and regulation into short selling?
  • Further steps towards enhanced regulation – trade reporting of OTC derivatives, standardised calculations, implications to administration and systems.
  • Changes to the insolvency act and what it means for the market


  • Roy Zimmerhansl, Practice Lead, Pierpoint


  • Brett Kotze, Head Post Trade Services, A2X Markets
  • Gary Haylett, General Manager Strategic Projects, The Banking Association South Africa
  • Kelle Gagne, Director, ENSafrica

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